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Sunday, May 15, 2011

A huge thank you to..... (Twitter Blade Runner night)

I created this blog entry to thank Edward James Olmos for accepting Marty Sader's request to do a Blade Runner night on twitter #MovieNightTweet. A Marty Sader idea. Yes Marty you started a new trend. Word of this is going to spread like wild fire.

It all started off with Edwards tweet: 33 minutes to go start the clock.... so say we all.... START THE FRAKKING CLOCKS.... (Name the BSG episode those words were spoken)

It is because of these two men and Dawn Hickerson and their down to earth nature that made this possible for all of us to participate in a unique night.

My favorite EJO twitter was this one: #movienighttweet wake up the frakking machines... 127 tweet later he hit his update status limit! He then finished up on Marty Saders account.

127 amazing tweets in 3 hours people! I would say in all he did about 150 tweets tonight. That my friends is dedication to his fans and he did it all with out pay.

It is his passion and his love for people reminds me of this saying: "No one cares what you know until they know that you care!"
— Benjamin Franklin

So what did we learn about Edward's experiences on Blade Runner? I think Dawn of @olmosperfect summed it up best so I am going to give you a link to her site at the end of this post.

The neatest thing to learn was that Blade Runner is a book end to Battlestar Galactica. It all makes sense. I would have never known this had this night not been made possible. We learn that Gaff is a descendant of the Adama blood line. That is right, Edward made that very clear. Think about that for a while and remember what was said between Six and Baltar at the end of BSG that this has all happened before. Blade Runner and the Battlestar Galactica series tie perfectly together.

Mr. Olmos, Marty Sader and Dawn Hickerson, you have given us all a night we shall not forget! So Say We All!

Please see for more information.


P.S. Thank you Alex Breitenberger for the correction!

#movienighttweet stats: Approx 162 twitter users sent messages and @edwardjolmos sent over 127 tweets!!!

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