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Friday, May 27, 2011

Just a short blog about what you pay out of pocket to MMO companies.

You, the consumer, pay approximately $140.00 a year to play your favorite MMO.  If you play that game for 8 years, you will pay approximately  $1440.00 That number does not cover what you may also pay in micro transactions to get special items.  I could go into the math on that but the point is that you pay a lot of money to these companies and deserve quality customer service.  Of course this math does not include what ever console players pay.

And for those who have multiple accounts the figures will be even higher.

The point is you should not have to put up with being lied to. You should not be told days later your identity has been stolen.  You should not have some forum jack boot ban you for telling others how to get good customer service results. You should not have to deal with canned messages from some boiler room in India when you submit a ticket for a game problem.

Think about what you pay these companies and ask yourself if you are being given a quality service or are you being ripped off?



  1. Dont play MMOs, life is too hard for ppl like you, you can get your data stolen woooo....

    sorry, THIS is trolling for the lulz of you having me blocked on tweeter when I was arguing against your little stupid comment. Grow up ;)

  2. What ever gets you off. I decided to let your comment stay so people can see the reason I blocked you on twitter. Seriously?
